Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Joke's on you.

After seeing the latest installment in the Batman movie franchise and being absolutely blown out of the water by the writing, the sets, the dialogue, the costumes, special effects, the acting and the perfect performance by Heath Ledger I was off to the market to fetch some carrots and noodles for a roast my mother was cooking when I happened to catch out of the corner of my eye a flier that stopped me dead in my tracks.

Now I've heard about tourists visiting foreign countries and accidentially "rescuing" or picking up cats or dogs believed to be stranger versions of the American counterparts only to discover later that the cat they thought was so cute was actually a rat, but this is Ohio and I don't know who in the hell could ever confuse a possum for cat!
I thought, this has to be a joke there is no way someone could not realize that when the cat they thought they rescued refused to use a litter box and smelled like garbage began snarling at the them that they might have something other than a cat on their hands. I had to call. So I dialed the number to speak with "Mike". I had to know if this was a joke or not, but the mystery stopped there for the number lead to a voicemail box where I left my message saying how funny I thought his flier was that he was confusing a wild possum with lost domesticated feline.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! Thats a Opossum :) Why isn't he housebroken?
You have to get to the bottom of this one.

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh... through a little online investigating, i found some similar fliers. not too spoil the fun, it's still hilarious.

8:54 PM  
Blogger H. Harvey said...

Exactly, Keth. If it was real, it would be extraordinary. Not realy, very clever, much fun. Thanks for sharing, Kirk.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Kirk said...

Yes, unfortunately originality is sparse in Warren.

12:21 AM  

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